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B2B Delivery App: Optimizing Your Logistics Process

3 Minute Read

Thanks to technology, we now live in an on-demand world where plenty of services and goods are readily available in a few hours. Business-to-business or B2B deliveries will likely become even more widespread in the coming years. Businesses, after all, cannot afford to let their customers wait.

B2B Delivery App

Some may argue that there's a weak business case for taking B2B logistics to the next level with delivery on demand, but this isn't necessarily true.

For example, imagine a convenience store has run out of a cookie brand due to its current popularity. Rather than wait for the next fixed delivery schedule, the owner chooses to have the goods delivered right away. Naturally, the brand owner of the cookie would want to fulfill the order right away rather than risk having the store owner source from a competitor.

Fulfilling orders as quickly as possible must be a  priority for all companies. Businesses catering to fellow business owners must also prepare for the on-demand era and should by now be using a B2B delivery app to optimize their deliveries and prepare for an increase of on-demand orders.

Here's how.

Benefits of a B2B Delivery App

Dispatch System

Manual dispatching of orders must be a thing of the past given its inefficiency. Enterprises must have an automated dispatching system that's capable of receiving orders and assigning the nearest driver to the closest distributor or hub that can fulfill the order.

Real-Time Tracking

Consumers want to be able to track their orders. Businesses want the same too, as they'd like to know where the drivers are if they're nearby and their expected times of arrival.

Mobile App for Ordering

The omnipresence of smartphones has paved the way for greater use of mobile apps. Thus, businesses must consider having an application that allows merchants to order whatever goods they need using their mobile phones. Doing so means allowing customers to order inventory they need anytime and anywhere.

A Driver App

Likewise, it's much easier for drivers to receive alerts on their mobile phones, informing them of new orders that they must deliver from the dispatch team. The drivers can then use the B2B delivery app to get in touch with customers directly and drive to the hub or store's location to pick up goods.

Feedback Mechanism

Any business, regardless of whether they're catering to consumers or fellow business owners, should pay attention to customers’ feedback. As such, companies with businesses as clients should also find a way to solicit insights on the delivery service they provided.

Using a B2B delivery app to offering and optimize on-demand deliveries can bring many benefits to your company. For one, it allows you to retain current customers and even gain new ones, as you will always be ready to fulfill orders. Plus, optimizing delivery services means reducing delivery time, resulting in more orders fulfilled in a single day. This in turn increases the overall profitability of your company.

On-demand B2B deliveries are just taking off, and we can expect more of these deliveries in the near future. There's no better time than now to ramp up by using technology to optimize your B2B delivery service.

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