Delivery Route Planner Software's Impact on Customer Experience
Retailers and logistics providers are placing higher importance on customer service than ever—in large part because customers have increased their demands mightily in recent years....
Useful content for last mile logistics operators
Retailers and logistics providers are placing higher importance on customer service than ever—in large part because customers have increased their demands mightily in recent years....
Route planning doesn't have to be exceptionally hard. With the right tool, planners can prepare hundreds of route plans in just a matter of minutes.
Many businesses have added delivery services in the past year—and it's not entirely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses also just wanted to save on costs. For example, re...
Consumers tend to gravitate towards companies that provide them with great delivery experiences—and a big part of that is providing accurate ETAs with the help of delivery route so...
A product's journey from the warehouse to the customer's door—i.e. the last mile—is one of the most challenging parts of the fulfillment process. And with more shoppers turning to ...
If you're still using pen and paper for route planning, then you are likely losing out on significant potential cost savings. Even if you're using legacy software, you may be leavi...
Route planning software offers many benefits for fleet operators—even giving users the potential to cut down operating costs by a considerable percentage. It’s tough to overstate h...
Without route mapping software, fleet operators and managers would spend most of their working hours guessing if they will meet promised delivery times. They’d be stuck calling and...
Operating a trucking business has become more costly in recent years, which puts more pressure on smaller fleets to find ways to optimize their operations. One of the main challeng...
Recent data shows that the public cloud service market will likely reach around $362 billion by 2022. Given that fact, it should come as no surprise that as cloud computing evolves...
There was a time when businesses were basically stuck living with the constant unavailability of drivers, lack of infrastructure, high fuel bills, low capacity utilization of deliv...