How to Choose the Best Route Planner for Delivery Drivers
Almost all providers claim to have the best route planner for delivery drivers. This shouldn’t be too much of a shock, but it can still make it quite difficult to choose a route pl...
Useful content for last mile logistics operators
Almost all providers claim to have the best route planner for delivery drivers. This shouldn’t be too much of a shock, but it can still make it quite difficult to choose a route pl...
For any company, the supply chain is a key business process that impacts customer satisfaction. A high-performing supply chain allows businesses to be more efficient and responsive...
Last-mile delivery is being reshaped by shifting consumer expectations across industries. As a result of the pandemic, preexisting trends are accelerating the industry toward faste...
Last month at Manifest, DispatchTrack co-founder and COO Shailu Satish sat down with Russell W. Goodman at Supply Chain Brain to discuss some of the most important trends impacting...
A Retail Insider study revealed that roughly 57 percent of US-based firms claim that their last mile is the least efficient part of their supply chain. With COVID-19 in 2020—to say...
Managing a team of delivery drivers can be both mentally exhausting and time-consuming, especially if your fleet is relying on manual processes. Your delivery drivers need to be ab...
Customer satisfaction is just as important in B2B deliveries and distribution as it is in B2C—if not more so—but the end result of that satisfaction doesn’t always look the same on...
Implementing the right dispatch tools has never been more urgent, as dispatch operations supporting smart last mile deliveries are more demanding than ever. E-commerce sales are in...
For supply chain businesses, a recent report revealed good and bad news: On the one hand, nearly half of consumers polled said that they felt the responsibility for increasing sust...
As competition increases in business, you sometimes have to find new ways to gain an edge over the competition, whether that means cutting out waste in part of your supply chain, r...
With the arrival of on demand delivery services, consumer expectations about cost, speed, and convenience have dramatically changed. The on demand delivery market presents new chal...